This project was the result of a collaboration with sound designer Francesco Ameglio, inspired by granular textures. The visual, coded in Processing, was a research into three-dimensionality and depth for particle systems.
The main block of code involves the creation of grid of points, with the z-position displaced with Perlin Noise scaled by the frame count. This generates a form that grows in displacement with time to encompass a larger amount of three-dimensional space.
int mLx = 250;
int mLy = 50;
float xoff = 0;
for (float a = 1; a < mLx; a++) {
float xOut = 100+((width-200)/mLx)*a;
float sOffset = map(a, 1, mLx, -2, 10);
for (float b = 1; b < mLy; b+=0.2) {
float yOut = (height*0.25) + b * (height*0.75 - height*0.25)/mLy;
float nn = map(noise(xoff), 0, 1, -14, 14);
float mm = map(nn, -14, 14, 0.4, 4.8);
point(xOut, yOut, nn*sOffset*(exp(absTempoX)-1.0));
xoff += 0.1;